HLS Player PRO Kinesis Video Stream Demonstration

To experience a live demonstration of the CloudFront Signed Cookie implementation, please click here.

Important Note: Live streams are inherently dynamic. If you encounter the message “No fragments found in the stream for the streaming request,” please reach out to us. We’ll promptly ensure that live video data is streamed for your access.

Kinesis Video Stream Available Playback Modes


In LIVE playback mode, the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) media playlist is dynamically updated with the most recent media segments as they become available. When this mode is selected in a media player, it typically displays a “live” indicator and does not provide a scrubber control to navigate through the playback timeline. This mode is ideal for real-time viewing where the most current stream content is immediately displayed.

Used shortcode parameter:
protected=false kinesis_video_stream=true kinesis_video_stream_stream_name=”hls_player_pro_demo” error_fallback_image=https://hls-player-pro-demo.root-sector.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/live-streaming-isnt-available-right-now.png


LIVE REPLAY mode allows playback to start from a specified timestamp while still updating the HLS media playlist with new media as it is ingested. The playback continues seamlessly from the chosen start time to the present, incorporating any new media until the session expires or a predetermined end time is reached. This mode is particularly useful for reviewing events from a specific starting point and then continuing to stream live content that becomes available during the session.

Used shortcode parameter:
protected=false kinesis_video_stream=true kinesis_video_stream_playback_mode=LIVE_REPLAY kinesis_video_stream_stream_name=”hls_player_pro_demo”

Demo access

Login here
  • To access the demo, use the following login credentials
    Username: demo
    Password: Demo2024
    This user account possesses a valid subscription and has been assigned a subscription management role.
  • When using the credentials
    Username: demo2
    Password: Demo2024
    or if no user is logged in, access to the video content will be restricted (no subscription).


In ON DEMAND playback mode, the HLS media playlist is constructed based on the media segments specified by the HLS fragment selector. This mode enables full control over the playback window, allowing users to specify both start and end timestamps. When played in a media player, it typically features a scrubber control, enabling viewers to navigate to any point within the specified media range. This mode is perfect for accessing and reviewing specific segments of recorded content.

Used shortcode parameter:
protected=true kinesis_video_stream=true kinesis_video_stream_playback_mode=ON_DEMAND kinesis_video_stream_clip_download=true kinesis_video_stream_stream_name=”hls_player_pro_demo”

Demo access

Login here
  • To access the demo, use the following login credentials
    Username: demo
    Password: Demo2024
    This user account possesses a valid subscription and has been assigned a subscription management role.
  • When using the credentials
    Username: demo2
    Password: Demo2024
    or if no user is logged in, access to the video content will be restricted (no subscription).